Psychology and Luck: The Impact of Mindset and Beliefs on Fortune

The Power of Positive Thinking and Luck

In studying human emotions and behavior, researchers like Richard Wiseman have observed that our mindsets play a pivotal role in determining our luck. Wiseman said, “If you think you’re a lucky person, you’re more likely to notice little good things happening to you because all the bad things do not bog you down,” he explains, providing a detailed survey of many people who claimed to have either good luck or bad luck. Creating chance opportunities plays a big part in this.

According to Wiseman, lucky people, as opposed to unlucky people, exhibit three distinct personality traits: they create and notice chance opportunities, make lucky decisions by listening to their intuition, and have a resilient attitude that transforms bad luck into good. “A person who thinks they’re unlucky will not see an opportunity when it’s right in front of them,” the psychology professor notes. read more